Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Today almost a mini-marathon run is completed. 4 days, from friday to monday, four team members including me, day-in-and-out, spent in office. And now every body is again pulling up the socks for the real game to happen on December 31st.  :-)

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Online Reading resources

Good resources for online reading, forward this to friends who are interested in reading.
On-Line Libraries

The Internet Public Library http://www.ipl.org/
The Library of Congress http://www.loc.gov/
Internet Sacred Text Archive http://www.sacred-texts.com/
Books on Line http://digital.library.upenn.edu/books/
Spirit Site: Spiritual Writings http://www.spiritsite.com/writing/index.htm
Thinking Allowed Transcript Library http://www.intuition.org/idxtran.htm
WWW Virtual Library http://vlib.org/Home.html
World-Wide Web Virtual Library: http://celtic.stanford.edu/vlib/Overview2.html


Road SafeT

I witnessed an accident in the busy morning hours of Saturday.  A bike smashed on to a WagonR.  Both the car and the bike were at speeds above normal in the Banashankari residential area.  That was a cross junction and both of them blowed horn and just went on in their way.  The bike guy was able to apply the brakes at the very last moment which had prevented a major accident.  But still he could not manage to stop his bike hitting the side of the car and the bike handle-bar got twisted and a dent made on the side of the car.  All this happened in a fraction of second.  If the bike guy hadnot applied the brakes, he would have been hit on the side by the front of the car which would have caused a major damage to both him and the bike.  Lucky he was!!  You would have got surprised, from where did I get this detailed information :  I was riding the bike.