Attended the monthly chapter of Python Bangalore (BangPypers) for the first time. I had been a regular at the ChennaiPy meet. But after I moved to Bangalore, this is the first Python meet I am attending. Around 20 enthusiasts participated.
Mr. Baiju of ZeOmega hosted the event at ZeOmega office. It was held in an unconference mode where the audiences shared their views and experiences.
When Baiju finished with introduction to Python for beginners, we realised that the speakers as per the original agenda did not turn up. So, there was some dead time in between - we started with a brief introduction of ourselves - which turned out to be a self and Python-tools introduction and experience sharing session as well - We just had 30 min after the introduction got over - time well spent in introduction.
Got introduced to quite a few things. Though some of which was known earlier, I am listing below all that we discussed so they serve as pointers
Django - A very popular Python web framework
Tornado - A Python Web framework for non-blocking network I/O
Mezzanine - A Django Content Management System
Jekyll - Static Site Generator (based on text input) built in Ruby
Hyde - A Python based static site generator
Gevent - A Python networking library
Silpa - Swathanthra Indian Language Processing Applications - A project with a focus of building several Indian language specific tools
Python nltk - Natural language processing Toolkit for Python
Beautiful Soup - A Python based XML / HTML parser
BuildOut - Python based build system
Jenkins - Open Source Continuous Integration Tool - See here for what is continuous integration
Python Koans - A self learning tool for Python written in Python
Learn Python The Hard Way - A much revered python tutorial
Sophia - A next-gen key value DB for high loads
Leveldb - A light weight key value DB designed by Google
Lucene - Open source search software by Apache
Later, towards the end, Baiju walked us through how a distribution can be created and uploaded to PyPI (Python Package Index) via setuptools
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