I have published a SIP / SWP calculator, sometime back. For now, it works with the Sensex data from Jan 1990.
The SIP calculator helps in calculating the CAGR / XIRR for
1. Lumpsum Investments
2. SIP Investments
3. SWP Investments
SIP or SWP can be of daily / weekly / monthly / quarterly / yearly frequencies.
SWP is Systematic Withdrawal Plan where you have a corpus which is invested in an equity instrument (Sensex in this case) and from which a fixed amount is taken out at a regular frequency.
SIP - the assumption of calculating CAGR is that all the investments made at regular intervals compound at the same CAGR.
In SWP, if we have that assumption, then we also mean that the amounts taken out are reinvested at CAGR which may be an impractical assumption. So, there is also an option given to modify the rate at which the withdrawals can be reinvested in.
Lumpsum / SIP / SWP calculator for Sensex
The SIP calculator helps in calculating the CAGR / XIRR for
1. Lumpsum Investments
2. SIP Investments
3. SWP Investments
SIP or SWP can be of daily / weekly / monthly / quarterly / yearly frequencies.
SWP is Systematic Withdrawal Plan where you have a corpus which is invested in an equity instrument (Sensex in this case) and from which a fixed amount is taken out at a regular frequency.
SIP - the assumption of calculating CAGR is that all the investments made at regular intervals compound at the same CAGR.
In SWP, if we have that assumption, then we also mean that the amounts taken out are reinvested at CAGR which may be an impractical assumption. So, there is also an option given to modify the rate at which the withdrawals can be reinvested in.
Lumpsum / SIP / SWP calculator for Sensex
I am planning to update the calculator with the NAV values for Mutual Fund schemes - so it will be more useful.
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