Yesterday I got a whatsapp forward which I found interesting. The forward is about Ramanujan square. This is the Ramanujan square.
It is a magic square. Magic square is a square with 3x3 or 4x4 or any such square matrix filled with distinct numbers, whose sum when counted in multiple ways (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) remains the same.
You can have a visit to the wikipedia page on this topic. There are 24 different combinations (of 4 squares) in multiple directions and as 2x2 blocks which all add up to the same number - 139.
The wikipedia page above depicts the different combination as below
Image Courtesy:
Antonsusi shared under Creative Commons license.
This uses six 4x4 squares to depict all the 24 combinations. I have tried the same using a different illustration, with 9 4x4 squares instead of 6. These 9 squares are created attaching eight Ramanujan squares in all 8 directions (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW) of the center 4x4 square.
The first row of the Ramanujan's magic square is his date of birth 22 Dec 1887 written in Indian Style - 22/12/1887!
It is a magic square. Magic square is a square with 3x3 or 4x4 or any such square matrix filled with distinct numbers, whose sum when counted in multiple ways (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) remains the same.
You can have a visit to the wikipedia page on this topic. There are 24 different combinations (of 4 squares) in multiple directions and as 2x2 blocks which all add up to the same number - 139.
The wikipedia page above depicts the different combination as below
Image Courtesy:
Antonsusi shared under Creative Commons license.
This uses six 4x4 squares to depict all the 24 combinations. I have tried the same using a different illustration, with 9 4x4 squares instead of 6. These 9 squares are created attaching eight Ramanujan squares in all 8 directions (N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW) of the center 4x4 square.
The first row of the Ramanujan's magic square is his date of birth 22 Dec 1887 written in Indian Style - 22/12/1887!
As per wiki 9 Jan 1938 is Ramanujam's birthday! & 1987 seems he is way too younger for us too :P
ReplyDeleteThat's CP Ramanujam - a different mathematician from Chennai.
ReplyDelete1887 was written as 1987. Corrected that. Thanks!